Learn improv (improvised theatre) in Málaga, Spain
Learn some of the most important skills of the 21st century while having loads of fun, together with expats and English-speaking locals at the heart of Costa del Sol.
Learn improv the best way, and completely in English!
Right now our regular improv course is full, bu you can show your interest here, and we will let you know when a spot opens up.
Fill up the form below if you could be interested joining, and we will send you the prices and other infos.
Where? Academia FYE (Héroe de Sostoa 25, Málaga)
When? Mondays from 18:00 to 20:00. If you would like to join but can’t make that timing, please fill up the form and let us know.
Fill this form to receive + info (and, in case you want to join, steps to complete your registration)
Who is the teacher?
Alfonso Garzas is a seasoned improviser with 14 years improv experience, including:
- Receiving hundreds of hours of training from dozens of teachers from around the globe.
- Founding and collaborating with several improv troupes and schools in Germany, Finland and Spain.
- Performing in shows and improv festivals in several countries and languages.
- Teaching improv in workshops and regular courses in several countries and improv festivals.
Alfonso’s playful approach sets participants at ease and creates a safe, inclusive space that encourages people to let go.
With also a background in business management and personal development, Alfonso also brings to the table a focus on the skills that can become useful for your work and professional life.

We contribute to a better society by bringing people together, helping them have a fun time and learn interesting skills.
And because we want to make it affordable and fair for everyone involved, all our learning activities have a “socially conscious price scale”. People who can’t afford the fair price can get a discount, and those who can afford the abundant price can contribute more.
We also know that there are people that can’t even think of doing improv because they lack something as basic as food and shelter.
That’s why we dedicate a 10% of all our benefits to a local NGO called “Angeles Malagueños de la Noche”. A food bank that provides meals to thousands of people in need every week.
Our social commitment