Improv shows in English in Málaga

Do you prefer to just watch? Come to our shows and enjoy an evening of improvised theatre in English, together with a community of expats and English-speaking locals in Málaga, Spain.

What to expect?

Our shows normally feature 2 or 3 professional improvisers: Alfonso Garzas (the founder of Mylaga, a seasoned improviser with 14 years improv experience) plus one or two guest performers from around the globe.

All our shows are completely unscripted. The cast might agree on the kind of format they want to present, but the actual content of the show is created on the spot.

The performers might ask the audience for suggestions to inspire the show. But don’t worry, you won’t be asked to participate nor step on stage.

Our shows are often fun, and often narrative (telling stories), but not necessary always. We take pride in presenting a wide variety of types of improv shows. So if you regularly come to our shows you’ll see that they are all very different, also on the formats that we present.

Our next show

- 8th of February at 20:00 -

A one-time-only show in Málaga by professional improvisers Charlotte de Metsenaere (from Belgium) and Alfonso Garzas (Málaga).

A theatre show where the script is created on the spot in front of your eyes. Everything is improvised, but it is so magical that you might think it is not.

Centro el Perchel - C/La Serna 12, 29002 Málaga

9€ the first tickets / 11€ the following ones / 13€ the last ones

A 10% of the proceeds go to a local charity.

Improvised Show Malaga Improv Mylaga Charlotte De Metsenaere Alfonso Garzas

Soon we will announce new upcoming shows. Come back later.

Our social commitment

Angeles Malagueños Noche Association Ngo, Malaga, Malaguenos, Charity, Donations Myalga, Improv

We contribute to a better society by bringing together and introducing them a type of art that can be very transformative.

We also know that there are people in Málaga and the Costa del Sol that can’t even think of going to an improv show because they lack something as basic as food and shelter.

That’s why we dedicate a 10% of all our benefits from the show to a local NGO called “Angeles Malagueños de la Noche“. A food bank that provides meals to thousands of people in need every week.